**** Uploaded MOM of the 2nd Managing Committee (2024-25) under Notice **** ***Uploaded IPI & IVC SEMINAR news in Telangana Reuters Newspaper under reports *** *** Uploaded MOM of the 3rd Managing Committee (2024-25) meeting of Indian Vinyl Council (IVC) under Notices *** *** Uploaded IVC News Letter l VOL. 4 l ISSUE 2 l OCTOBER 2024 under Services Newsletter *** *** Uploaded Minutes of IVC Management Committee Meeting (2024-25) under Notice*** *** Uploaded IVC News Letter l VOL. 4 l ISSUE 3 l DECEMBER 2024 under Reports / Newsletter *** *** Uploaded Jalgaon seminar News in Lokmat Newspaper *** *** Uploaded Jalgaon seminar Photos Under Reports ***



  • The number of members of the Society shall be unlimited. An individual who is an Indian citizen interested in the Society’s activities, attained 21 years of age and engaged in or willing to be engaged in poly vinyl chloride industry shall be eligible to be appointed as a member of the Society.
  • Companies/ organisations / industries that have registered office in INDIA, who would nominate their representatives to represent on behalf of their company / organisation, shall also be eligible to be appointed as a member of the Society.
  • The Managing Committee has the right to reject any application for Membership without giving any reason for such rejection.

Types of Membership

Donor Members

  • Donor Member may nominate one representative to participate in the activities of the Society and shall have the rights and privileges of a General Body member. Donor Members has no right to vote at Annual General Meetings and to be elected to the Managing Committee, or to hold any office at any branch of the Society. The nominee shall continue, until altered/changed.
  • The Donor member will have limited access to the information available in the web site of IVC
  • The Donor member may be allowed to continue the membership period under the discretion of the managing Committee on case to case basis

Privilege Member

  • Individuals in the Business of PVC, Corporate in PVC business , PVC compounders, PVC converters, PVC end product fabricators and any other company engaged in the field of PVC value chain or furthering the object of the Society, may be admitted as Privilege Member and shall along with the application pay enrolment fees and annual subscription fee fixed by the Society from time to time be eligible for admission as the Privilege Member of the Council. Privilege Member may nominate one representative to participate in the activities of the Society. The nominee shall continue, until altered/changed.
  • A Privilege Member shall have the right to attend Annual General Meetings, speak and vote and to be elected to the Managing Committee, and to hold any office and participate in the administrative and other activities of the Society.
  • The Privilege Member will have limited access to the information available in the web site of IV

Associate Member

  • Any society, association, chamber of commerce or other not-for-profit organization, trust, foundation etc. registered as per the applicable law and representing manufacturing industries, service providers, suppliers, end users, dealer etc. belonging to the Vinyl chain from the India, may be admitted as Associate Member of the Society. Those seeking to be an Associate Member shall make an application in the prescribed form.
  • Associate Member may nominate one representative to participate in the activities of the Society and shall have all the rights and privileges of general body member Associate Member has no right to vote at the Annual General Meeting or to be elected to the Managing Committee, or to hold any office of the Society. Nominations shall be given upon admission and the nominee will continue until altered/changed.
  • The associate member will have limited access to the information available in the web site of IVC

Fees Structure

  • Privilege Membership and Associate Membership shall accompany one-time enrollment fee as decided by the managing Committee from time to time of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) with his application.
  • Such enrollment fee or any other fees prescribed by the Managing Committee from time to time may be levied or Increased at the discretion of the Managing Committee from time to time.
  • The annual subscription fee shall be payable within one month from the date of their registration.
  • Membership fees will be for the financial year (April- March) for all categories of members, however for Privilage Member , and Associate Member, membership fees for the joining year will be considered on ”pro rata “ basis.
  • Renewal shall be done within 90 days of the Expiry of membership and Entrance Fee will be waived off . such readmission.

1. For Privilage Member

2. Turnover (Rs. in Crores) 3. Annual Membership Fee
Upto Rs. 100 Crores Rs. 10,000/-
100 Crores to 250 Crores Rs. 25,000/-
250 Crores to 500 Crores Rs. 50,000/-
500 Crores to 1,000 Crores Rs. 75,000/-
1,000 Crores and above Rs. 1,00,000/-

2. For Associate Member:

Rs 10,000/-.

3. For Donar Member:

Donation will be accepted in multiples of Rs One lakh and minimum of Five lakhs

Membership Renewal Charge

2. Turnover (Rs. in Crores) 3. Annual Membership Fee
Upto Rs. 100 Crores Rs. 10,000/-
100 Crores to 250 Crores Rs. 25,000/-
250 Crores to 500 Crores Rs. 50,000/-
500 Crores to 1,000 Crores Rs. 75,000/-
1,000 Crores and above Rs. 1,00,000/-


1. Cessation of Membership

A member shall cease to be a member, inter-alia:

  1. by resignation, notice of which shall be given in writing to the Managing Committee; or
  2. by resignation, notice of which shall be given in writing to the Managing Committee; or
  3. upon its expulsion by the Managing Committee under Clause 11 of these Rules and Regulations; or
  4. in case of an individual, upon his being adjudged bankrupt by a court of law; or
  5. upon it being declared insolvent by a court of law; or
  6. in case of an individual, on his being proved guilty by a court of law of any offence involving moral turpitude; or
  7. in case of an individual, on his being proved of unsound mind; or
  8. upon death of the individual Member or in case of a limited company or registered society, upon its ceasing to exist, or being dissolved or wound-up.
  9. if it disagrees and acts prejudicial to the interest of the Society and disobeys the directions of the Managing Committee.
  10. upon withdrawal of representation as a member by its respective body corporate.

2. Register of Members

The Association shall maintain a register of its members, which shall be open for inspection by any member by giving such prior intimation as, may from time to time be prescribed by the Managing Committee in this behalf.

3. Expulsion from Membership

A member shall be expelled or placed under suspension by the Managing Committee if in the opinion of the Managing Committee such member is not acting in the best interests of the Association. It shall be competent for the Managing Committee to request such member to resign from the Society within 1 (one) month after such request, and if the members fails to do so, the Managing Committee by a resolution of not less than 2/3 rd of the Managing Committee present and voting passed in a meeting of the Managing Committee specially convened for this purpose, approve the expulsion of such a member. While requesting such member to resign, the Managing Committee shall give to such member the reason for his expulsion or suspension and afford such member an opportunity of offering an explanation either in person or in writing.

4. Forfeiture of Claim

A member, who ceases to be a member of the Association shall forfeit all claims to the Admission Fees, Annual Subscriptions any other Fees paid to the Association and shall forfeit all rights and privileges arising out of Membership.

Online Membership Form